Beautiful and free stock imagery for your website and email campaigns

First posted by Jonathan on August 14, 2015
A number of our clients have recently asked us where they can get images for content on their websites or email marketing campaigns.
Traditional stock imagery can often be clichéd and expensive and ruin the hard work you've put into your branding, websites or email campaigns. So we've compiled a list some of our favourite alternative sources of quality imagery and also thrown in a few of our favourite online image editing tools that are available for you to use without charge.
Read on and Enjoy!
Billed as 'not your typical crappy stock photo site' - this extensive image database is updated daily and all images are free for use, copying, modification and distribution without attribution.
Gratisography offers free high-resolution pictures taken by photographer Ryan McGuire. Images are available copyright free for use on your personal and commercial projects. New pictures added weekly
Death to the Stock Photo
If you're prepared to wait, then there are several services like this one that offer regular batches of free photos by email. Deathtothestockphoto deliver a fresh pack of photos to your inbox every month. If you're not prepared to wait then you can join their premium subscription service for instant access their entire catalogue and exclusive member photos.
If you're in need of a nice header graphic for your next email campaign or graphic for a blog post but don't want to pay one of us pesky design professionals...ahem... then look no further than the simple but powerful Snappa.
This new online service allows you to choose from over 8000 stock images and 200 fonts to create highly engaging images without any help from a graphic designer. Amazingly this service is entirely free while in beta with an ongoing free tier of up to 10 images a month.
We used Snappa to create the header for this post!
Tiny PNG
Once you've chosen your images and edited them for your next blog post or email campaign you need to think about image optimisation. Slow loading, large images are a big turn-off and will loose you readers.
Tiny PNG uses clever compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. Simply drag your PNG files onto their website and they'll reduce the file size (often significantly) without costing you a penny. Also check out jpeg mini if you're not working with jpeg.
We hope you find these links useful - let us know if you find any other great freebies you think we should know about.